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Tupolev Tu-95

The Tupolev Tu-95 was a Soviet strategic bomber (that had the NATO code name Bear,) and missile platform from the 1950s, and is predicted to last till 2040. It is a one-of-a-kind aircraft, and has some bizarre features, like two propellers in one engine! How about that? Speaking of the engines, the tips of the propellers go way past the sound barrier, making it one of the loudest aircraft in history. Another feature is that Tupolev used turboprop engines, like the ones that were initially going to be used for the B-52 Stratofortress. If you would like to know more about the B-52, I have a post on it! Go check that out sometime. Now, back to the Tu-95. Wait! There’s more! It has a strange mid-air refueling probe on the front, and I first thought (when I didn’t know much about planes,) it was a large cannon! Crazy, right? Well, onward! The Tu-95’s primary users in the 1950s and now are: the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Ukrainian Airforce, and the Soviet Airforce, and the Soviet Navy. Remember: I said 1950s to now. I’m not saying the USSR is still out there. Well, here come the dimensions! The wingspan is about 168ft, and the length is about 152ft. Well, there you have it. The BIG FAT TU-95. (I’ve got to say, it’s BIG!).

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