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Supermarine Spitfire

Some say this WWII fighter was the greatest fighter of all time, but some say it’s the most beautiful. Overshadowing the much better Hawker Hurricane, this amazing aircraft’s top speed was around 369 mph. Its front engine was a Rolls-Royce 1478hp merlin 45 liquid-cooled V12 engine. Time for a little bit of history. On July 10, 1940, a bunch of Spitfires, Hurricanes, and probably some other planes, all lined up. They turned on their engines! And flew to the skies! German warplanes engaged! The Battle of Britain had just started. On its ending day, October 31, 1940, the RAF had succeeded! They won the Battle of Britain! Amazing! So, if you just read that, you just learned something! So, if it’s a warplane, it should have weapons. Yes, it did. 8 7.7 mm/0.303in machine guns. yes, Eight! So, if you read the article up to this, you should be thinking: “Put in the dimensions!” Yes, I will do that. So, the wing span was 36ft 10in, and the length was 29ft 11in. Wow, that was one truly awesome warplane!


Crosby, Francis. The World Encyclopedia of Fighters & Bombers. London, Southwater, 2010.

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Battle of Britain | European History [1940].” Encyclopædia Britannica, 18 Jan. 2019,

Wikipedia Contributors. “Battle of Britain.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 Feb. 2019,

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