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General Dynamics F111 Aardvark VS. Panavia Tornado

This is a new type of post called a versus. Now, you should be thinking: “what is a versus?”. Well, a versus is the pros and cons of two aircraft that have the same purpose, or look kind of the same. Now, for this post we have two phenomenal aircraft here, the General Dynamics F111 Aardvark, and the Panavia tornado. They both have the same purpose, and that is ground attack. Now, let the battle begin! First, let's start with the F111 Aardvark. It has a high of 1,650mph, which, I'm sure, is faster than the tornado. It has 1 .787in multi-barreled M61A-1 cannon, an internal bomb bay that can hold up to two B43 bombs, and underwing hardpoints capable of holding 31,000lb of bombs. It had a maximum altitude of around 59,000ft (that’s a lot of feet!). Okay, time to move on to the cons. The F111 was (let’s be clear,) not an efficient or effective Air to Air Fighter. And, this plane had the most weight, and wing weight of any fighter, in the US Airforce in 1966. Well, that’s all I could come up with for the F111. Moving on to the Tornado. The Panavia Tornado was a supersonic interdictor and ground attack aircraft, flying to supersonic speeds of up to about 1,400mph. This aircraft had two 1.06in IWKA-Mauser cannons, and seven external hardpoints, capable of holding up to 19,840lb of weapons. It has a maximum altitude of about 50,000ft. The cons of this aircraft are: 3 of the prototypes crashed (that means 5 to 6 people died!)planes at the time went mostly 1,500mph to 1,650mph, 100 to 200mph faster, like the F14 tomcat, for example, which went at over 1,500mph. well , there you have it. The results will be in the next post! Thanks for reading!

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